The Walkie Check - Women Led Creatives Podcast

The Walkie Check - Women Led Creatives Podcast

We are so thrilled to be connected to such amazing creators every day! We are proud to sponsor the latest and greatest in podcasts, The Walkie Check with our own Filmcraft Family, Layne Marie Williams and Kat Gorospe along with the amazing team at NoiseFloor Ltd 

Latest Episode: Go For Regina Hoyles (you don't want to miss this!)

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The Walkie Check- A holistic talk with creatives

Layne Marie Williams & Kat Gorospe

We’re a couple of film gals committed to elevating the creative community at large. Join us as we invite fellow filmmakers, entrepreneurs, and artists into the hot seat to learn the ins and outs of thriving in an artistic world. We will create an enjoyable educational experience for our listeners. Our short and sweet episodes will pack an impactful punch so that our listeners always walk away having gained new knowledge. This is for the artists, entrepreneurs, and any and all creatives looking for insight and inspiration. We want to connect with movers and shakers to provide them with resources for their own paths.

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