It's no secret that we love our friends at Women In Media! Besides being a team of super talented, creative, award-winning, exceptional women, they are also working towards REAL CHANGE in the film industry. Along with MBS equipment co, huge strides have been made and this is #parityinaction. We are so proud and honored to know them. Read more below!
Recently featured on fox news, these amazing women discuss the importance of keeping production in Hollywood during these unprecedented times.
"We have all kinds of exteriors so it makes absolute sense that people would want to shoot here. If you go 40 minutes in that direction, you have the mountains, 40 minutes in that direction you have the beach and then everything in between. We have the talent here for sure, and the infrastructure. People want to shoot here. They love shooting in Los Angeles and California, but we just need better incentives and we need more space," said Tema Staig, the Executive Director of Women in Media and a producer on CAMERAderie films.
Governor Gavin Newsom just signed a bill that offers Hollywood a boost in funding. The new bill was proposed by lawmakers in July, and Newsom signed it on Wednesday.
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